Phone: 302 - 740 - 1364
Serenity Writing Works
Healing Works from the Heart
Teen Seen Contact
We want to hear your voice and have you let us know what matters most to you.
We are going to be continuously adding and updating this part of the site with information but we are going to do it at your request. All you have to do is contact us via the e-mail below with the information you are looking for and you will find it posted on the page. We keep it all private. So there is no need to worry about mass spreading of your information.
We want to build this space for you and with you. We want to hear your words, see your art, hear your music, give you the information you are looking for, articles that you want and you need, and connect you with people that you can talk to. Thank you for being part of making this happen we couldn't do it without you.